0‑1 List of Contributors 6
Table 5‑1: additional electricity demand from the decarbonization of mobility (without international flight traffic) and of the heat production for buildings like; potentialities for energy savings and the development of the electricity supply without photovoltaics. The difference between demand and potential must be covered either through photovoltaics or through imports. An annual operating figure of 3 has been assumed with the heat pumps (HP).
Table 5‑2: Frequency of the annual PV gains (source of data being sonnendach.ch grouped by UUID with a correcting factor of 0.7 as a lump deduction e.g. for chimneys, roof structures etc.)
Table 5‑3: Comparison between the demand per scenario and the potential for PV electricity on existing infrastructure.
Table 5‑4: Electricity efficiency potential for Switzerland. Scenario TECHNIK describes the demand with growth factors (population growth, jobs, replacement of fossil fuels, etc.) and the exploitation of the technical potentials. (Source: Schweizerische Agentur für Energieeffizienz S.A.F.E., 2011)
Table 5‑5 Investment costs [Billion CHF] until 2035. The smart meter costs do not include costs for ripple control systems (German: Rundsteuerung). If these costs were taken into account, the above costs would be about 10 % higher. (Consentec 2015)
Table 5‑6: Investment costs [Billion CHF] until 2050 . The smart meter costs do not include costs for ripple control systems (German: Rundsteuerung). If these costs were taken into account, the above costs would be about 10 % higher. (Consentec 2015)
Table 5‑7: Overview of potential applications of storage technologies by power class and storage duration (source: “Energiespeicher in der Schweiz”, BFE 2013)
Table 5‑8: Storage demand in the distribution grid according to scenario NEP/E (Energiespeicher in der Schweiz, BFE 2013)
Table 5‑9: Theoretical storage requirements at system level without and with cross-border exchange (Energiespeicher in der Schweiz, BFE 2013)
6‑1 Payment framework for direct payments in agricultural policy 18-21 (Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft 2016)
6‑2 Livestock populations according to the reference and LMP/Kal scenario of Zimmermann et al. (2017). 216
Table 9‑1 Territorial emissions by greenhouse gas according to the CO2 law and Kyoto protocol. (FOEN 2019a)
Table 9‑2 Territorial emissions by sector according to the CO2 Ordinance (Buildings, Traffic, Industry CO2-VO, other).