ASFAnimal sourced food
BECCSBioenergy carbon capture and storage
BISBank of International Settlements
CAPClimate Action Plan
CCSCarbon Capture and Storage
CCUCarbon capture and usage
CDRCarbon dioxide removal
COPUN Climate Change Conference
DACCSDirect air carbon capture and storage
DETECFederal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications
ECBEuropean Central Bank
EDKSwiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education
ESDEducation for Sustainable Development
ESGecological, social and governance
ESPECEnvironment, Spatial Planning and Energy Committees
FAOFood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
FDFThe Federal Department of Finance
FDFAFederal Department of Foreign Affairs
FFAFederal Finance Administration
FF-NPTFossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty
FINMASwiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority
FOAGFederal Office for Agriculture
FOCFederal Office of Culture
FOCPFederal Office for Civil Protection
FOENFederal Office of the Environment
FOPHFederal Office of Public Health
FSDEducation for sustainable Development
FSOFederal Statistical Office
FSVOFederal Food Safety and Veterinary Office
GDPGross Domestic Product
GEAK/CECB/CECEGebäudeenergieausweis der Kantone/ Certificat énergétique cantonal des bâtiments/ Certificato Energetico Cantonale degli Edifici
GHGGreenhouse gas
IAMIntegrated assessment models
ITMOInternationally Transferred Mitigation Outcomes
LULUCFLand use, land-use change and forestry
LULUCFLand use, land use change and forestry
NAINon-amortizable investment
NDCsNationally Determined Contributions
NETsNegative emission technologies (technologies used for CDR)
NGFSNetwork for Greening the Financial System
NGONon-Governmental Organization
ODAOfficial development assistance
OECDOrganisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

Ökologischer Leistungsnachweis/ Prestations écologiques requises/

Prova che le esigenze ecologiche sono rispettate

ProGJPublic Program for Green Jobs
RERenewable energy
SDGsSustainable Development Goals
SDISustainable Development Index
SFASynthetic fertilizer application
SFOESwiss Federal Office of Energy
SIFState Secretariat for International Finance
SNBSwiss National Bank
SRG/SSRSwiss Broadcasting Corporation
UNEP FIUnited Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative
UNESCOUnited Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
UNFCCCUnited Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
UNHCRUN Refugee Agency
UVPV/OEIE/OEIAVerordnung über die Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfung/ Ordonnance relative à l’étude de l’impact sur l’environnement/ Ordinanza concernente l’esame dell’impatto sull’ambiente
VBSAVerband der Betreiber Schweizer Abfallverwertungsanlagen/ Association suisse des exploitants d’instellations de traitement des déchets
VHKA/DIFC/CISRVerbrauchsabhängige Heiz- und Warmwasserkostenabrechnung/ Décompte individuel des frais de chauffage et d’eau / Conteggio individuale delle spese di riscaldamento e di acqua calda
WTOWorld Trade Organization
WTRWorking Time Reduction